New Michigan program will help people on parole get IDs upon release from prison
The Michigan Department of Corrections began a pilot program at four prisons which allows employment counselors to help obtain the documents, paperwork and photos required for an ID for people scheduled for parole to “remove a major barrier for people who have been incarcerated as they re-enter society.” https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/06/24/michigan-prison-release-id-program/3250108001/
White Paper by AFSC and Carceral State Project
A white paper written by American Friends Service Committee – Michigan Criminal Justice Program and Carceral State Project at the University of Michigan presents an evidence-based case for decarceration as the only humane and meaningful response to the COVID-19 pandemic in prison. It includes an overview of the relationship between prisons and public health, details about…