The Voting Access for All Coalition seeks to ensure every eligible voter in Michigan has the opportunity to vote. That includes people who are awaiting arraignment, trial, or sentencing, regardless of incarceration status.

Jail voting does occur in many county jails within Michigan, but not everywhere and not in a common and consistent manner. Where we cannot identify a jail voting program happening, we reach out to local Jail Administrators, County Clerks and other non-profits to support or initiate new jail voting programs.

To join our Jail Voting Team as a volunteer, please contact us and someone will reach out to you with more information.

Available materials:

We developed the following one pager to support discussions with county clerks about jail voting

We developed the following 2-page document to inform people in jail awaiting arraignment, trial or sentiencing of their right to vote.

Contact us to have the above document updated with your unique requirements or to request copies.

We teamed up with VoteByMailInJail, a program from Spread the Vote, to mail postcards to people incarcerated in jails pre-trial and sentencing, to inform them of their right to vote, prior to the 2024 primary.

We used the following materials in 2022 from Partner organizations

Jail Voting Report

Voting Access For All and Nation Outside have produced an in-depth report on voting in Michigan jails titled “Ensuring the Right to Vote: How to Expand Voting Access in Michigan Jails.”

VAAC promotes the acceptance of all recommendations included in this report, in order to ensure people held in Michigan jails pre-trial have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.