Have YOU Signed the Michigan Sentencing Reform Petition?

If you haven’t signed the petition for the Michigan Good Time sentencing reform ballot initiative, we need your signature now. It’s easy!

Just go to https://www.goodtimeinitiative.org and scroll down to find the signing location closest to you. Contact that location and let them know you are ready to sign!

While you are signing, you could pick up a petition to get your friends and family to sign. Every single signature counts. To get the measure on the ballot, all signed petitions must be delivered to the state no later than June 1, 2022. To get them there on time, we really need to wrap up in the next 10 days.

If there is no location near you, petitions can be mailed to you! Go to https://www.goodtimeinitiative.org now. All the information you need about this important reform is provided on their website.

Thousands of incarcerated Michigan residents are counting on you!

If you have COMPLETED petitions
PLEASE: 1.Drop off at your physical SIGNING location
2. Mail to the Detroit Michigan United office (4405 Wesson, Detroit, MI)
3. Text Us and let us to know to be on the lookout!! (734) 489-9095


2 responses to “Have YOU Signed the Michigan Sentencing Reform Petition?”

  1. Janel Avatar

    Hello I could reach the site ubpve… please send me a petition to sign & couple extra i can have friends sign… tu so much

    1. Kenneth Avatar

      Janel, thanks for pointing out that this petition is no longer active. This was for a couple years ago. For current information about sentencing reform legislation check out https://cjrlc-michigan.org or https://michigancollaborative.org/.

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