
  • VAAC Activism Impacts New District Maps


    This article was submitted by VAAC member Nomi Joyrich of the Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice who worked tirelessly to ensure fair maps. From Nomi “I want to thank everyone who made a public comment, testified or sent an email to the MICRC. Every commissioner stated that input from citizens via testimony and public comment…

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  • Three Marches, Two Sisters, One Bridge


    This event already happened. Watch the video here: Join the League of Women Voters Detroit and the Detroit Public library for a special on-line event on Tuesday, February 8th, 2022 from 6-7:30 p.m. About this event Giants walk among us still. The personal story of two sisters who took part in three marches for voting…

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  • Pro-Voter Bills Introduced in Michigan House


    Progress Michigan Applauds Introduction of Pro-Voter Bills  MICHIGAN – November 3, 2021, Michigan House Democrats introduced a pro-voter bill package that would protect voters’ voices and modernize our elections. Voting rights advocates are applauding these bills as a step in the right direction to expand access to the ballot. Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan, released the…

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  • Help Us Make #goodtrouble at MICRC on Friday 10/29/21


    Over the past few months many VAAC members have attended MICRC meetings in person and remotely, and submitted many, many written comments. Thank you for the #good trouble you made!  During this final week of public testimony, a dozen+ VAAC members spoke out on behalf of VAAC and coalition partners about the unjust practice of prison…

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  • VAAC in the NEWS


    An October 27th article on Mlive,com about a candidate forum taking place inside the Flint county jail highlights the report on jail voting by Nation Outside and VAAC. Jail inmates will hear from Genesee County candidates at Friday forum Updated: Oct. 27, 2021, 8:13 a.m. | Published: Oct. 27, 2021, 7:35 a.m.

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  • Prison Gerrymandering Experts Provide Testimony to the MICRC


    On October 24, 2021, Rory Kramer, PhD and Brianna Remster, PhD of Villanova University submitted written testimony to the Michigan Independent Citizen’s Redistricting Commission (MICRC) advocating against prison gerrymandering in Michigan. VAAC is very grateful to these scientists for their efforts on behalf of fair maps in Michigan. As social scientists, Kramer and Remster created…

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  • NLA Rally – Second Look Legislation


    Long punishment is expensive and makes no sense when many lifers could be released more than safely back to our communities.

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  • Detroit Visionary Community Fair


    SATURDAY OCTOBER 16 FROM 12 PM – 4 PM 7200 Mack Ave, Detroit, MI 48214-1768 FREE! Register HERE. Join us for a community fair that uplifts community togetherness through creative, alternative solutions.Detroiters are steadily facing a housing and health crisis due to the lack of support and funding from local government. With Proposal P failing…

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  • Share VAAC message in your Social Media


    Use these graphics based on our VAAC flyers and in the format that displays well on Facebook and Instagram, to encourage people in your communities to vote. Facebook Graphic Instagram Graphic

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  • Nation Outside and VAAC Release First of Its Kind Jail Voting Report


    People held in pretrial detention in Michigan have the right to vote but are routinely denied the basic help and access they need to cast a ballot. The findings of the report will be detailed at a press conference to be held at 11 a.m. on Oct. 13 at the Genesee County Jail.

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  • Justice Resource Fair in Pontiac


    The Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office Racial Justice Advisory Council will be hosting a Justice Resource Fair on October 16, 2021 from 12-4 pm at Murphy Park Cricket Field in Pontiac. There will be free food, clothes, books, and haircuts, along with opportunities to get a photo ID, register to vote, expungement information and more. Free…

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  • Detroit Free Press Covers VAAC Advocacy on Prison Gerrymandering


    On October 2, 2021, the Detroit Free Press published an article by Miriam Marini with the headline “Advocates push for inmates to be counted at their home addresses as redistricting ensues.” The well-written article does a deep dive into the issue and quotes VAAC chairperson, Danny Jones, as well as several legislators who are advocating…

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