This project started with a simple idea that VAAC began to explore at our weekly Friday community meetings (all are welcome!). We do a lot of work helping justice-impacted folks learn that they have the right to vote and how we exercise our vote. Someone in our meeting posed the question of what we tell people about voting to those who choose not to exercise this hard-fought for sacred right to vote. Why do we vote? We began sharing stories at our weekly Friday community meetings & VAAC being VAAC, we wanted to hear everyone’s voice, and wanted to share everyone’s reasons for voting. People sent in videos, chimed in at our partner events (The Proactive Project & S&D PJ Housing – shout out to Pizza to the Polls & Domino’s Pizza) and spoke out about why they vote at our meetings. Every day up until the election we’ll present you with a new voice, speaking on voting because it IS #MIVoteMIVoice – your vote matters! Your voice matters! The election is now! Register, cast your ballot, and be empowered.
to Michigan Voices & Black Voters Matter Fund
Thank you to everyone who submitted “selfie videos” to share why voting matters to them. We’ve received so many great ones and several related to how voting impacts our justice system.
Below is an excerpt from Darwood’s video. Click here to watch his video.

Below is part of what Bonnie had to say. Watch her video HERE.

Mrs. Johnson reminded us of the struggle and sacrifices made to get the right to vote.

More videos can be found HERE and HERE … and check our social media daily for new ones!!!
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