Tag: VotingAccess4All
Support VAAC This Season
We are a nonpartisan grassroots coalition committed to removing voting barriers…
One Week Out
We are officially in the last week before Election Day! If…
Early Voting in Michigan!
Early voting starts statewide in Michigan October 26! Several localities have…
Join Us for a Voter Education & Mobilization Party
We’re excited to invite you to our Voter Education Party on…
Voting Access for All Coalition Launches Video Series ‘Why I Vote,’ Connects Voting to Criminal Justice Legal Reform
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Voting Access for All CoalitionTuesday, September 10,…
Why We Vote: Shawanna
Shawanna votes for mental health services. Please share this video!
Why We Vote: Ronnie
Ronnie votes to support second chance look legislation. Please share this…
Why We Vote: Michelle
Michelle votes for fair sentancing reform. Please share this video!
Why We Vote: Jackie
Jackie votes for access to housing. Please share this video!