October is Domestic Violence Awareness month! Shatter The Silence. Stop The Violence. Please join us on Sunday, October 10th from 5 PM to 8 PM for ‘LABOR OF LOVE! ‘ The purpose of this important event is to draw public attention to how the situation of women has deteriorated, especially during the pandemic, During the pandemic, there was an increase in domestic violence incidents when lockdown restrictions were put in place in 2020, as reported in a study from the National Commission on COVID-19 and Criminal Justice.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month is a time for all of us to speak up about domestic violence, raise awareness, and support survivors of this devastating but common issue. Every 9 seconds, a woman in the U.S. is beaten or assaulted by a current or ex-significant other. 1 in 4 men are victims of some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. Come on out and support this important event! Domestic violence does not discriminate.
RSVP by visiting https://www.eventbrite.com/e/175769219467

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