Your Community, Your Government!
Making the Case for Getting out the Vote in Local Elections
Brought to you by…
Voters Not Politicians and Asian Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)
An interactive community workshop by …
How You, the Local Citizen, Can Make Your Government Work Better!
Our democracy begins at the local level, but many eligible voters are not making their voices heard. Voters Not Politicians Education Fund is introducing Democracy Academy, our first community workshop to address the important concern of low voter turnout in local elections. We will focus exclusively on municipal level local elections, which include
councils/commissions, millages, and school boards. County, state, and federal elections will not be covered in this module.
In this interactive session you will learn:
– [ ] How our current system encourages low turnout
– [ ] The short- and long-term consequences of low voter participation
– [ ] Established voter engagement techniques to create positive change
– [ ] How to help others make elections a priority to make local government work better
After participating in this workshop, you will be able to:
* Demystify the root causes of low participation in local elections
* Understand why low voter turnout can lead to undemocratic practices
* Develop skills and strategies on how to increase voter participation in upcoming local elections in your community
Event Information
When: Tuesday, August 15th, 2023 | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Where: UAW Region 1 | 27800 George Merrelli Dr, Warren, MI 48092
Complimentary refreshments will be provided.
How to Register: Use the link below or scan the QR code
Registration Link:
for more information please contact us or visit our website
(517) 334-0121

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