Register now! Join us for a dynamic live-streamed webinar on January 25th from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. MI-CEMI and partner organizations will present an update on proposed criminal legal reforms for 2024.
This session will update you on the 2024 legislative session and give you the opportunity to connect with campaign organizers and other advocates in breakout sessions. Speakers include:
- Landscape & Budget: Chuck Warpehoski, Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration
- Bail Reform: Liz Balck, American Civil Liberties Union(ALCU)
- Juvenile Justice: Ronnie Waters, Safe and Just Michigan
- Good Time: Jack Wagner, Michigan Justice Advocacy
- 2nd Look: Natalie Holbrook, American Friends Service Commmittee(AFSC)
- Prison Oversight: Charmie Gholsen, Citizens for Prison Reform
- Prison Gerrymandering: Charles Thomas, Voting Access for All Coalition(VAAC)
- Fair Chance Housing: Tony Gant, Nation Outside
Make sure to register today and become a part of this empowering conversation. See you there!

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