Participants Needed for a Research Study About Community Reentry

Wayne State University is conducting a research study about community reentry.

Attention Returing Citizens:

Do you feel wanted and welcome in your community? Do you have suggestions for improving the reentry experiences of returning citizens like yourself?

Your Story Matters!

If you were incarcerated for (approximately) fifteen or more years and you live in metro-Detroit, we want to know about your experiences of community reentry. We will provide you with a camera to document your experiences, and your photographs may be used for social change efforts focused on improving the lives of returning citizens.

Participants will be asked to:

  • participate in five meetings over a span of 6 months,
  • take photographs in your community that represent your experiences of reentry,
  • share and discuss your photographs with other returning citizens,
  • assist in developing strategies for creating more welcoming communities.

Participants will receive:

  • a digital camera,
  • $175 dispersed across five meetings,
  • snacks and refreshments,
  • bus passes to and from meetings.

Location: all meetings will be held at the Mama Akua Community House, located at 2431 Ferry Park St, Detroit, MI 48208.

If you want to participate in this study, are unsure if you are eligible, or have any other questions about the study, please email or call Michelle R. Jacobs at or 330-612-5993.

IRB #23-09-6147, 11/20/2023 – 11/19/2026 approval period, Wayne State University Institutional Review Board. Principal Investigator: Michelle R. Jacobs, PhD


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