We are so grateful for this community and to everyone that was apart of this week’s Community Conversations.
Tuesday’s panel discussion, Prison Gerrymandering: How Stolen Political Power Harms Our Communities, was recorded. Once we’ve received the final recording it will be available for viewing on the Voting Access For All Coalition YouTube page.
This is such an important subject and we need your help to BRING AN END TO PRISON GERRYMANDERING IN MICHIGAN.
We are working to STRENGTHEN OUR COMMUNITIES and are asking that you send a message to your Representatives and State Senator urging them to support fair maps to ensure that our voices are heard and that everyone has access to resources that improve the quality of life in our communities. This cannot be achieved without bringing an end to Prison Gerrymandering. Please support our CALL TO ACTION and help spread the word by going to: 👉🏾 https://votingaccessforall.org/end-gerrymandering-now/
We thank you for standing up for COMMUNITY!! EndPrisonGerrymandering #EndPGMI

❤️ 💪🏽💪🏼💪🏾💪🏿 #StrongerTogether
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