The Dispute Resolution Center of West Michigan (DRCWM) is hosting a Restorative Practices Training event at Wyoming Public Schools.
You can attend 2-day or 4-day Restorative Practices courses on July 25-28th. DRCWM is committed to making this course accessible to all regardless of ability to pay. If the cost of the training is a barrier, please reach out to the DRCWM and they will work with you.
This in-person learning opportunity is expected to be an engaging and important professional development opportunity with trainers with hundreds of hours of experience facilitating within the community. Increase and sharpen your skills to build and repair relationships though restorative communication, impromptu conversations, restorative circles, and restorative justice conferencing. Build Connections where you are: home, community, schools, criminal justice system, Be the Change!
You can sign up for the course here. For more information, please visit DRCWM.org, email info@drcwm.org or call 616-774-0121
Wyoming Public Schools
3575 Gladiola Ave.
Wyoming, MI 49519
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