All Voting Is Local is Hosting an Election Certification and Vote Count 101 panel on May 11 at 6:00PM. Our elections are free and fair, but so much misinformation about how they work and the integrity of our elections is being spread by people who want to take power away from voters. Join us on Wednesday to hear from our bipartisan panel about the process, why it continues to be safe, and how you can get involved in election administration! Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LMNldaLSRq6aMVhS9tDUWQ
Our panel:
- Aghogho Edevbie, State Director of All Voting Is Local Michigan
- Christina Schlitt, Co-President of League of Women Voters of Michigan
- Justin Roebuck, Ottawa County Clerk
- Joel Hondorp, Grand Rapids City Clerk
- Jonathan Kinloch, Former Wayne County Canvasser
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