This special event will feature an All-Star Softball Game between two teams the Detroit Stars Vs. The Detroit Diplomats: The Detroit Diplomats will be comprised of elected officials, Mayors, Congressmen, State Reps, State Senators, and County Commissioners. The 2nd team, the Detroit Stars will be comprised labor leaders from UAW, Teamsters, Detroit Federation of Teachers, and community leaders from across the state. The game will a friendly, fun filled event showcase the importance of collaboration and unity among leaders, while also demonstrating the significance of sports in fostering leadership development in young Black athletes.
PURPOSE Highlight African American Leadership in sports and beyond. Celebrate freedom and honor the history of Juneteenth by educating the young and old of the importance of Juneteenth. Honor fathers who are also leaders. The historic Negro Baseball Team – The Detroit Stars, one of the most famed and celebrated negro league baseball teams of all time.
Wednesday, June 19th at 2-6pm
The Corner Ballpark, 1680 Michigan Ave, Detroit, MI 48216

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