Category: Uncategorized

  • 36th District Court Amnesty Program to Run thru August 24, 2024

    36th District Court Amnesty Program to Run thru August 24, 2024

    Late fees, penalties, and warrant costs waived June 24-August 2, 2024…

  • Reminders for August 6th Election!

    Mail your Absentee Ballot to your Clerk Michiganders! Remember to mail…

  • Second Look Sentencing: A Closer Look at Who Michigan Incarcerates

    The National Lifer’s Association has released a booklet will take you…

  • FCC votes to slash prison and jail calling rates and ban corporate kickbacks

    FCC votes to slash prison and jail calling rates and ban corporate kickbacks

    New rules, the result of the bipartisan passage of the Martha…

  • Prison Policy Initiative endorses the Environmental Health in Prisons Act

    Prison Policy Initiative endorses the Environmental Health in Prisons Act

    Act recognizes the right to live in a healthy environment and…

  • Make a Note of these Key August Primary Dates

    Make a Note of these Key August Primary Dates

    The August Primary Election is coming up! Here are some important…

  • New state budget asks MDOC to reduce fees and fines

    Throughout the week, Michigan’s lawmakers have been hard at work finalizing…

  • Thank you to all attended the Rally for Reform in Lansing

    Thank you to all attended the Rally for Reform in Lansing

    Thank you to all who supported and came out for the…

  • Medically frail fix bill ready to sign: SB 599 cleared the Capitol June 27

    Medically frail fix bill ready to sign: SB 599 cleared the Capitol June 27

    This article from the Safe & Just Michigan newsletter. The past…

  • New state budget asks MDOC to reduce fees and fines

    New state budget asks MDOC to reduce fees and fines

    Reblog via Barbara Wieland The post New state budget asks MDOC…

  • Calling on the FCC to make the most of its upcoming rule-making on prison and jail telecom rates

    Calling on the FCC to make the most of its upcoming rule-making on prison and jail telecom rates

    This article was originally published by Prison Policy Initiative as “Calling…

  • Advocating for Change: Tore Price’s Story of Fatherhood and Second Chances

    Advocating for Change: Tore Price’s Story of Fatherhood and Second Chances

    The post Advocating for Change: Tore Price’s Story of Fatherhood and…