Category: VAAC Press Hits

These are mentions of Voting Access for All Coalition in the media.

  • WLNS News Segment on Prison Gerrymandering Features VAAC’s Danny Jones

    WLNS News Segment on Prison Gerrymandering Features VAAC’s Danny Jones

    In December of 2021 when the Michigan Citizens Independent Redistricting Commission…

  • VAAC in the NEWS

    VAAC in the NEWS

    An October 27th article on Mlive,com about a candidate forum taking…

  • Detroit Free Press Covers VAAC Advocacy on Prison Gerrymandering

    Detroit Free Press Covers VAAC Advocacy on Prison Gerrymandering

    On October 2, 2021, the Detroit Free Press published an article…

  • Voting in jail: Advocates work to make sure people in Michigan can cast a ballot

    Thousands of people awaiting trial in Michigan’s jails have the right…