Housing is a human right, yet people with conviction and arrest histories in Michigan face immense barriers to finding stable housing. In fact, a recent survey from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority found that respondents with conviction or arrest histories faced the highest levels of housing discrimination of any group.
The more than 2 million Michiganders with arrest or conviction histories deserve a fair chance at housing. Stable housing helps people maintain employment, keep their family together, and avoid additional convictions. Research shows that increasing access to housing will reduce crime and increase public safety for all of us.
The Michigan Fair Chance Access to Housing Act would ensure that applicants get a fair chance by limiting the use of conviction history screening during the rental application process. Everyone deserves a fair chance at housing!
Send an email to your state legislators to tell them to act now. We deserve housing, not hurdles!

Thanks to the Vera Institute of Justice for leading this initiative.
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