This week (Monday, January 16), Michigan United held their first Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Justice Assembly & Awards Ceremony at the Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church to honor folks from our communities who are running with the torch of justice and have made a difference in our communities. We are beyond humbled that VAAC chairperson, Daniel Jones, was honored for his work in our communities, and as chairperson of Voting Access For All Coalition.
Danny encouraged dialogue that strengthened solidarity between communities impacted by mass incarceration. He dedicated himself to advocacy and raising awareness around voting rights and prison reform in Michigan’s state prisons and across the nation. As our Chairperson, he was committed to uplifting the vision and mission for all individuals impacted by the justice system, along with their families and community.
Danny stood on every opportunity to hold up those behind the wall and organize against unjust policies. Thank you to our dear friends at Michigan United for posthumously honoring Danny Jones and all our fallen justice warriors.
Please view our video created in remembrance of Danny – his life – his gifts – and his work at the link directly below…

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