Thank you to everyone for joining us. We had a wonderful gathering with over 60 people coming together to participate in launching our Voting Ambassadors program at our June 11th Lunch and Learn!! Read our summary overview of Key info. And sign up to become a Voting Ambassador.
Consider a setting where you might serve as a voting ambassador in the jail or in the community (eg, food bank, expungement fair, transitional home, etc) in five pilot cities – Detroit, Pontiac, Jackson, Lansing, or Grand Rapids. If you don’t see your city or county jail, we can help set you up with the model for being a Voting Ambassador closer to your community, but we also hope you’ll consider driving to meet the needs in one of these pilot settings. This virtual event is being hosted by VAAC and Vote By Mail In Jail.
Voting Access for All Coalition (VAAC) is a grassroots organization with a mission to educate and facilitate voting for people in pre-trial detention and post-release from jail or prison. Often, these populations believe that they do not have the right to vote. Many are not familiar with the voting process or what jobs the candidates are running for. We hope to change that. We know the voices of injustice-impacted individuals are especially needed in our state and in our democracy.
We ultimately want to reach county jails and communities across Michigan to speak up for the rights of all who are voiceless or vulnerable and to be voting ambassadors to help those who may be misinformed to know their rights. Even when it’s not a presidential election, doing the legwork educating and registering and inspiring folks is key. We have a road map for doing so. Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Lunch and Learn launch on June 11. Please learn more about all the good information shared, and please sign up to be a Voting Ambassador.

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