We are gathering for a day at the capital on Thursday, April 3rd.
Join us on April 3, 2025, from 8 AM to 5 PM for Capital Day, where we’ll advocate for our communities by speaking directly with elected officials and touring the state capitol.
Capital Day offers a powerful opportunity to amplify our collective voice and directly impact policy as we meet with legislators on April 3rd.
We invite all Black Voters Matter partners statewide to connect and collaborate at Capital Day, April 3rd, fostering stronger relationships as we work together.
Don’t miss this chance to engage with your elected officials and fellow BVM partners at Capital Day on April 3rd, a crucial day for advocacy and statewide connection.
Register here –> https://www.mobilize.us/blackvotersmatter/event/765434/?referring_vol=5159721&share_context=dashboard-event-details&sharer_role=SharerRole.ORGANIZER

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