Two-Day Expungement Fair in Marquette

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has announced that the Department will host an expungement fair in Marquette on July 12th and 13th. The two-day expungement fair will be held at the Upper Peninsula Michigan Works! at 1498 Odovero Drive in Marquette from 11 am to 4 pm.

Expungement fairs offer Michigan residents a free opportunity to review their criminal convictions with on-site volunteer attorneys for potentially expungable convictions. Having criminal convictions expunged can aid a resident in securing employment, housing, and other benefits available to those without a criminal record. The Department began hosting expungement fairs in 2021. This year alone, the Department has helped over 3,200 people at 16 independent expungement events.

Expungements can offer a fresh start to Michigan residents with eligible, non-assaultive convictions, and my Department is excited to bring an expungement fair to Marquette. We’ve seen how impactful events like these have been for Michiganders across the state looking to foster a future of hope and new beginnings. Thanks to our partners and volunteers, I know this event will also be successful.

Dana Nessel, Michigan Attorney General

Expungements are not processed or granted at these events. Screened residents are advised by attorneys at the fair on the process to obtain expungement of eligible convictions.

While there are numerous steps involved in requesting an expungement, residents should not be deterred. The Department of Attorney General expungement webpage provides resources to explain the details of the law, clarify eligibility, and provide checklists for necessary application steps and materials. The webpage also lists upcoming public expungement events.

In Michigan, a person convicted of one or more criminal offenses, including felonies, but not more than a total of three felonies, may petition the convicting court to set aside the convictions. The process for review of applications includes the Michigan State Police, the Department of Attorney General, the local court, and the prosecutor where the conviction occurred. The Department of Attorney General does not grant expungements.

A list of crimes ineligible for expungement include assaultive crimes, any crime punishable by a life sentence, criminal sexual conduct, human trafficking, terrorism-related offenses, child sexual abusive material, and more.


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