MI-CEMI & VERA Action Thursday April 25th, 2024 7:00 to 8:30 PM, virtual Free event, open to all Crime persists as a longstanding concern for both Michiganders and voters nationwide. Ensuring safety is a fundamental right for all individuals, no matter where they live, they color of their skin, or how they vote. Despite the declining trend in violent crime, apprehensions linger among many voters. These anxieties often become politicized, hindering rational policy reforms aimed at enhancing safety and justice. They resurface prominently during election campaigns, influencing public discourse. |
Crime persists as a longstanding concern for both Michiganders and voters nationwide. Ensuring safety is a fundamental right for all individuals, no matter where they live, they color of their skin, or how they vote. Despite the declining trend in violent crime across Michigan, apprehensions linger among many voters. These anxieties often become politicized, hindering rational policy reforms aimed at enhancing safety and justice. They resurface prominently during election campaigns, influencing public discourse.
MI-CEMI and Vera Action will present Vera’s extensive research, both nationally and in Michigan, on what voters are taking to the ballot box on issues of crime and safety. Join Insha Rahman, Director of Vera Action, for this exclusive member briefing followed by an audience question and answer session.
Learn how to go on the offense and lead with an affirmative vision for preventing crime, responding to crisis, and stopping violence, as well as get off defense and respond effectively to “soft-on-crime” attacks.
Discover strategies to proactively address these concerns, emphasizing preventive measures, crisis response, and violence mitigation.
Make sure to register today and become a part of this empowering conversation.
See you there!
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