(Excerpted From MLive-The Flint Journal)
GENESEE COUNTY, MI – An upcoming event could give a second chance to people convicted of operating a vehicle while intoxicated in Genesee County.
Several organizations have come together to sponsor the Genesee County OWI Expungement Resource Fair, giving people who have previously been convicted for OWI a chance to clear their legal record. The event will be taking place on May 4th, 2022 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. at the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office – 1002 Saginaw St, Flint, MI 48502
Such events are important because they allow people who may have made a mistake to stay on a pathway to success, says Percy Glover, a Genesee County Ambassador (and VAAC member!).
“We don’t want people to go down a path of post generational poverty,” Glover told MLive-The Flint Journal. “Being a convicted felon affects everything. When you look at that, it affects the family structure.”
First-time OWI convictions became eligible to be set-aside on Feb. 19 — under some circumstances.
The expungement fair is sponsored by the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, Safe & Just Michigan, Mott Community College, GST Michigan Works!, the Michigan Attorney General’s Office and Legal Services of Eastern Michigan, in partnership with Chase Bank.
Those interested in attending can preregister beginning Wednesday, April 13 using this form link.
Anyone with questions may call 810-210-6023 for more information.
Read full the full article from Mlive-The Flint Journal at this link.

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